The Use of Bibliotherapy with Children Diagnosed with Cancer Resources for kids, medical education, coping & supportDawn KlausmeierFebruary 15, 2020books for kids, cancer, pediatric cancer, childhood cancer, bibliotherapyComment
Using blank books and puzzles to create meaningful moments Resources for kids, medical education, coping & supportDawn KlausmeierNovember 12, 2019Dose of Play, LLCbooks, products, bare books, blank books, blank puzzles, child life specialist, nicu, sibling supportComment
Medical Play and Learning Gift Guide for Preschool Children play, Resources for kidsDawn KlausmeierDecember 2, 2018preschoolers, medical play, medical play toys, toys, child life specialist, child life, doctor play, nurse play, role play, gift guide, pretend play, coping Comment
Encouraging kindness and other positive behaviors (Book Review) Resources for kidsDawn KlausmeierJuly 18, 2018book recommendation, positive reinforcement, toddlers, preschooler, toddler, books for kids, bucket fillingComment