Social Media | Covid-19 Quarantine | Cleanse

I have been strongly considering doing a social media coronavirus quarantine cleanse. Is that a thing?

Has your social media or screen time usage spiked recently? I’m currently on vacation with my kids visiting my parents. While it has been so joyful and I’m grateful for this time, it is extremely taxing when you share one room with a 1, 3, and 5 year old. The 14-month-old has been up for hours on end at night for days and sleep routines are off throughout the day. We have made the most of our time in Florida with the necessary safety guidelines issued by the POTUS and CDC and local officials - getting in our “dose of play” hasn’t been difficult. 

I don’t want to come off sounding ungrateful. It’s just been quite challenging to practice best self-care measures that I am used to. Does anyone else cherish and bank on post kid bedtime to decompress or get things done sans interruptions from the cute little minions or “co-workers” as their now being called?

It is so easy for social media to become the  “quick” and most accessible distraction/entertainment for me when I am unable to get other healthy forms in that I love, like exercise, reading a book, eating healthy (vacay diet ☕️🍤🍞🍕🍦🍷🤪), taking a bath, watching a show with my husband, socializing with friends, etc. Three kids 5 and under is bananas! Who can relate?

I love the perspective other people have shared about using this quarantine time to be as present as you can with your family (even if that means using a screen for Facetime) and to take care of yourself - exercise at home/go for a run, read a book, learn something new, etc.

I have a couple of ways that I’m hoping to help others during this time, which involves social media and screens so maybe a complete cleanse isn’t what I want. I realize that while many things are unknown and out of my control, like closings and toilet paper access, I have a choice in how I use my spare minutes or moments of free time every day. At the end of the day, I’m a helper and I can’t help but want to help others anyway i can right now. 

It’s truly unique times we are living in. What has been your experience? Have your self-care go-to strategies changed recently?

If your curious, this post (journaling, self-care!?) was only made possible because 2/3 napped at the same time today and the oldest is cashing in on some screen time. It’s all about balance!l

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Dawn Klausmeier